Sunday, December 6, 2020

Double Feature: Frascella's Reviews of CITIZEN KANE and MANK

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

I think a lot of us think we are movie buffs. 

I certainly consider myself a "movie guy," but I've come to the realization that I need to expand my horizons. Perhaps I am a contemporary movie buff - specializing in the work of Leonardo Di Caprio, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep and the like - but I'm 34 now, and I need to delve a little deeper into the past. 

With that in mind, this week brings us Mank, the great David Fincher's latest film, one that immediately screams AWARDS BAIT. Here's a black-and-white film - see recent Oscar winners Roma and The Artist - about old Hollywood starring Gary Oldman, a darling of The Academy. 

Sure, Fincher's helmed popular films like The Social Network, Fight Club, Se7en, Gone Girl and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, but he's only been nominated for Best Director for Social and Button. He's never won. 

Many consider Zodiac his masterwork (including acclaimed director Guillermo del Toro), and his others like Panic Room and The Game are popular in different circles (Steven Soderbergh recently picked Panic as his buddy Fincher's best), but the gold statuette Fincher covets remains elusive. 

So, yeah, I'm seeing right through this. Fincher is going for it, whether he says so or not. 

Now, the problem with Mank - for the average viewer - is the background. If you really want to understand the proceedings on first viewing, you should probably do a little research and get some context. This ties into my opening; I might think I'm a movie buff, but a real movie buff will have a far greater understanding of the names, places and machinations of Mank on the first go around. Here's where I started:

Part 1: They'll Love Me When I'm Dead on Netflix

Of course I'd heard of Orson Welles, but I've never been to film school. When I heard "Orson Welles" in the past, I immediately thought of The War of the Worlds, and maybe sometimes Citizen Kane. I knew he was a major name - a juggernaut, a giant of the industry - but the documentary They'll Love Me When I'm Dead gave me a lot more of the context I needed. 

They'll Love Me When I'm Dead chronicles Welles' many difficulties directing The Other Side of the Wind; but for me, its greatest asset was fleshing out Welles' beautiful mind and eccentric personality. He was once a "boy wonder" and "wunderkind" atop his industry, but it was almost as if the industry didn't want him to remain there. Sure, Welles was to blame for his demise in many instances - he was known as a difficult personality, sometimes his vision led nowhere - but he was ultimately given a very short leash, in my opinion. 

So why does all this matter, relatively speaking? Because Mank is about Herman Mankiewicz, the drunken screenwriter of Citizen Kane, Welles' universally-acclaimed masterwork. You need a little context on Welles, and a little context on Kane, to at least get going in the right direction with Mank. Welles was a radio man, stage player, writer, director and on-screen actor. He could truly do it all, and he was only 24 years old when given full creative control over his first film behind the camera. 

That film was Citizen Kane, one that many believe to be greatest film ever made

In Mank, Welles is portrayed by Tom Burke - I'll admit, I don't know much about him, either - who does a fantastic job in a role that looms over the picture. Sure, Orson Welles is a key name within the overall scope of Mank, but the part itself has a come-and-go feel to it. If you watch They'll Love Me When I'm Dead and then Mank, you'll see what a fine job Burke has done. With that as a segue, let's head into the totality of Fincher's newest film... 

Part 2: My Review of Mank

I'll admit - I went a little bit out of order, here. Yes, I started with They'll Love Me When I'm Dead a few months ago - that was a "happy accident," as Bob Ross would say - but then I watched Mank before Citizen Kane. I know, I know... you've never seen Citizen Kane?? 

Some movie buff I am. 

In all honesty, I saw Mank pop up on Netflix, and I wanted to jump right into it. I thought it might take me awhile to find Kane, but I ended up being wrong about that (more on that later). 

So, coming into Mank before Citizen Kane, I was a little behind the eight ball. First impression: Mank's dialogue is fast and furious. Screenwriting credit is given to David's father, Jack, who passed away back in April of 2003. As you can see, this has been a shelved passion project of David's for quite some time. Jack was undoubtedly a quick-witted writer, and I should also mention Eric Roth (writer of Forrest Gump, The Insider, Munich and A Star Is Born) who certainly appears to be a script supervisor of sorts, here. 

So yeah, Mank's dialogue is sharp and snappy. Upon first viewing, for me, that's the unquestioned strength of the film. Immediately I think of a chipper scene where Mank's writing team pitches an unwritten movie on the fly; I also think about the fact that Mank always has to get the last word, and it's usually a zinger. This is a weird intersection of styles for Fincher; we think of Se7en, Fight Club, Zodiac and Panic Room and we think "dark and edgy." But Mank is a warmhearted biopic as much as it is a "he said, she said" about the origins of Citizen Kane's genius. 

Keeping it simple: I like most of the dialogue, I like Oldman's performance - which I wasn't expecting, because I assumed he would ham it up and overact for another Oscar run - and I like a number of the individual sequences, including walk-and-talks between Mank and William Randolph Hearst (an especially dignified Charles Dance) in one instance, and the legendary Louis B. Mayer (the always-game Arliss Howard) in another. 

Let's back up one second to that phrase "walk-and-talk" - that's an Aaron Sorkin staple, is it not? Think of The West Wing and Steve Jobs, among others. And what I'm seeing lately is a hodgepodge of styles swimming together. Fincher was always procedural and dark; Soderbergh was cool and stylistic and Sorkin was wordy and energetic. Now, oddly enough, I see Soderbergh borrowing Fincher's visuals while Fincher falls into Sorkin's fast-talking ways. If you aren't already aware, Fincher and Soderbergh are very close friends, and of course, Sorkin was the screenwriter of Fincher's The Social Network (arguably his best movie). 

So, you see what I'm getting at here. Mank doesn't feel like a typical Fincher film. 

Since I already laid out the positives, one glaring negative immediately jumps to mind: Mank falters mightily when Fincher tries to get political. When you watch the movie, you will know exactly the section I am speaking of. Look, sometimes people have to simply stay in their lanes. Fincher doesn't belong in that territory, and it shows very quickly. 

Also, the film feels thin, on the whole. There are strong performances, snappy dialogue and some innovative shots, but I honestly don't think it all comes together. The whole thing feels like a reach, a stretch. Fincher is reaching and stretching for that elusive Oscar, but I don't believe he should get it. Again, this is awards bait, and I truly feel like Fincher should be above that. He should just do what he does best; but he's 58 years old and I guess he's ready for "proper" recognition in his industry. 

Be careful what you wish for... just ask Orson Welles. 

Before I move on to Citizen Kane, one more mention of the superb performances: Oldman, Amanda Seyfried (solid as actress Marion Davies), Howard, Burke, Dance and Tuppence Middleton give us immediately memorable characters. Special mention for Middleton, who turns "loyal wife" into a role all her own. There's no overacting or LOOK AT ME stuff from Middleton, but she earns every bit of that "Poor Sarah" nickname the film utilizes quite successfully. 

I will definitely watch Mank again soon - now that I have a far better understanding of each character's individual significance - but for now it's a tepid 7.5 out of 10. Maybe, like Sorkin's Steve Jobs, it will grow on me over time. 

Part 3: My Review of Citizen Kane

It's pretty tough to be fair when you go in hearing, "This is the greatest movie ever made." That can go one of two ways: (1) You give the film too much credit (essentially, you go easy on it based on reputation) or (2) You are automatically disappointed, because the film has been hyped beyond the realm of reasonable expectations. 

My first experience with this phenomenon was The Godfather. It did not disappoint. I can continue to say the same today, including The Godfather II. Two of the greatest films ever made; hands down. 

And ya know what? Citizen Kane didn't disappoint, either. We're talking about a film from 1941 here, and the visuals remain jaw-dropping. Some initial reactions, comments and "first impression" feelings:

1.  The opening is quite exquisite. Welles' depiction of Charles Foster Kane's dark, doomed mega-mansion "Xanadu" is a marvel of visual acuity and movie magic. The film actually opens with the feel of a horror flick, given the legend Bernard Herrmann's ominous, pounding score and Gregg Toland's knockout cinematography. It's a memorable start, indeed. 

2. I immediately think of a young boy's future, being decided without him knowing. He's outside, playing in the snow, seen through the front door. The adults - large in the frame - are making decisions that will impact the course of a child's entire life. Somehow, that shot in the doorway really sticks. Again, I've only seen Citizen Kane once. 

3. Another incredible shot in the playhouse theater. The camera pans up and up...and up. 

Friday, November 27, 2020

Frascella's Top 85 QBs: 3 Rookies Crack My Top 30

 Photo credit: AP Photo/Kyusung Gong

Along with turkeys, menorahs and Christmas trees, the holidays also bring my controversial yearly quarterback power rankings. Shout to my buddy DJ Toby (@mrmaritime) on Twitter, who always claims this is his favorite time of the year. I think he's asked me for this list a handful of times, already. Here are the recent years:

Frascella's 2019 QB Power Rankings

2018 Rankings

2017 Rankings

2016 Rankings 

I say this every time, but... I hate intros. You'll figure out what I'm doing as you read along. The main note is this: these rankings aren't ONLY based on this season. Logic must be used, and overall context must be considered. All right, let's roll...

** KEY: "N/A" = Not Available or not enough information to date. **

-For context, a B- would basically be an "average" NFL quarterback. 

(EDITOR'S NOTE: I started this piece the morning of Sunday, November 22 and continued on the 25th, 26th and 27th. Some things have changed, quickly.) 


86. Chris Streveler, Arizona Cardinals

Current status: Backup (Ourlads says No. 2 QB, but I'm not sure I agree)

Season stats (includes rushing): N/A

Ability to dominate on his own (not system-related): N/A

Decision-making + talent: N/A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: N/A

The bottom line: Streveler beat out Jacob Eason and Kurt Benkert for my final spot because Ourlads listed him as the Cardinals' No. 2 QB over Brett Hundley, who is more established. 

UPDATE: Streveler was originally my QB85, but Brandon Allen's promotion over Ryan Finley has earned the former an official spot on my list. 

85. Nate Sudfeld, Philadelphia Eagles

Current status: Backup (Ourlads says No. 2 QB, but again I'm not sure I agree)

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: N/A

Decision-making + talent: N/A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A 

Frascella's overall grade: N/A

The bottom line: At least I've heard of him. He might actually be better than this next guy... 

84. Ben DiNucci, Dallas Cowboys

Current status: 3rd string (with Dak, he'd be out of a job)

Season stats: D-

Ability to dominate on his own: D-

Decision-making + talent: F

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: F

Frascella's overall grade: F

The bottom line: I watched his entire start - he should have been picked about 4-5 times. He doesn't have the mental clock for the speed of NFL defenses. 

83. James Morgan, New York Jets

Current status: 3rd string

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: N/A

Decision-making + talent: N/A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: N/A

The bottom line: Rumor has it that New York's GM Joe Douglas drafted Morgan to keep him away from Belichick, McDaniels and the Patriots. Maybe they liked his film? That's enough for me. 

82. Easton Stick, Los Angeles Chargers

Current status: 3rd string

Season stats: 1-for-1 for 4 yards, lol 

Ability to dominate on his own: N/A

Decision-making + talent: N/A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: N/A

The bottom line: That one pass resulted in an 83.3 QB rating. Kid is a beast. 

81. Ryan Griffin, Tampa Bay Bucs

Current status: 3rd string

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: N/A

Decision-making + talent: N/A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: N/A

The bottom line: He seems to be able to keep a professional job. I remember him from Hard Knocks that one year. 

80. John Wolford, Los Angeles Rams

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: N/A

Decision-making + talent: N/A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: N/A

The bottom line: Sean McVay knows what he is doing, and he's only carrying 2 QBs here. Wolford must be good enough, in the event Goff goes down. 

79. Brett Hundley, Arizona Cardinals

Current status: Backup

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: D

Decision-making + talent: D

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: D-

Frascella's overall grade: D

The bottom line: He wasn't good when he filled in for Aaron Rodgers in the past, but at least you didn't lose your game automatically with him under center. 

78. Trevor Siemian, New Orleans Saints

Current status: 3rd string (probably jobless if Brees is healthy)

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: D+

Decision-making + talent: D+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: D

Frascella's overall grade: D+

The bottom line: He went down quickly when he played briefly for my Jets, but in that short stint he looked mentally gone. Too much stress and disappointment from his time with the Broncos. 

77. Tim Boyle, Green Bay Packers

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: N/A

Decision-making + talent: N/A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: N/A

The bottom line: When the Packers blew out the 49ers on national television, Boyle entered the game before Jordan Love. I guess that's a compliment of sorts. 

76. Logan Woodside, Tennessee Titans

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: N/A

Decision-making + talent: N/A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: N/A

The bottom line: Similar situation to John Wolford, here; like McVay, Mike Vrabel knows what he is doing. The Titans only carry 2 active QBs, despite the fact that Tannehill can be injury-prone. This says enough about Woodside. 

75. Ryan Finley, Cincinnati Bengals

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: F

Ability to dominate on his own: D-

Decision-making + talent: D

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: D-

Frascella's overall grade: D-

The bottom line: Yes, I gave Siemian a higher grade (D+), but he'd probably still be jobless if Brees didn't get hurt. We have to at least consider the player's overall status in the league; Finley is the only backup to Joe Burrow. 

UPDATE: Finley has been immediately benched in favor of Brandon Allen, who was promoted from the practice squad. 

74. Jake Fromm, Buffalo Bills

Current status: 3rd string

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: N/A

Decision-making + talent: N/A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: N/A

The bottom line: The Bills kept him despite his unacceptable racist remarks/comments. He must be pretty decent. 

73. Josh Dobbs, Pittsburgh Steelers

Current status: 3rd string 

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: D-

Decision-making + talent: D-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: D-

The bottom line: Devlin Hodges beat him out last season; he can't be particularly good. 


72. Jarrett Stidham, New England Patriots

Current status: Backup (nip-and-tuck with Hoyer)

Season stats: F

Ability to dominate on his own: D-

Decision-making + talent: D

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: D+

The bottom line: His 23 passes have not been pretty this season. In an eye-blink performance last year, he was also terrible. Seems a bit overmatched. 

71. Nathan Peterman, Las Vegas Raiders

Current status: 3rd string 

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: D+

Decision-making + talent: C-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: D-

Frascella's overall grade: D+

The bottom line: Sean McDermott and Jon Gruden both know what they are doing, and they both see/saw something in this kid. Gruden is a QB guru of sorts - Peterman looked much sharper in last year's preseason. Maybe coach has coached him up a bit. 

70. Sean Mannion, Minnesota Vikings

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: N/A

Decision-making + talent: N/A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: N/A

The bottom line: Another Hard Knocks memory. Kid has a very strong arm but never gets an opportunity to play; Goff and Cousins are both durable. 

69. Brandon Allen, Cincinnati Bengals

Current status: Starter (would be No. 2 to Burrow)

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: N/A

Decision-making + talent: N/A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: N/A

The bottom line: Finley barely played after Burrow went down, and he already got benched. I'm comfortable trusting Zac Taylor in the sense that Allen immediately gives them a better opportunity to be competitive. 

68. Brian Hoyer, New England Patriots

Current status: Backup 

Season stats: D-

Ability to dominate on his own: D+

Decision-making + talent: C

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: C-

Frascella's overall grade: C-

The bottom line: He's not gonna kill you as much as Stidham will, in my opinion. Hoyer certainly isn't what he used to be, though. 

67. Geno Smith, Seattle Seahawks

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: C-

Decision-making + talent: C-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: D+

Frascella's overall grade: C-

The bottom line: Being the only backup to the great Russell Wilson is an important job. Pete Carroll must still have a bit of faith in Geno, the former Jets' starting QB. 

66. David Blough, Detroit Lions

Current status: 3rd string

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: C-

Decision-making + talent: C

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: D+

Frascella's overall grade: C-

The bottom line: I liked what I saw from him last Thanksgiving. He doesn't have a strong arm in the slightest, but he has guts and is a good leader for a backup. Teammates will rally behind him. 

65. Will Grier, Carolina Panthers

Current status: 3rd string

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: C-

Decision-making + talent: D+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: C-

The bottom line: He showed some flashes in limited playing time last season, but ultimately he lacks the polish and awareness necessary to be a full-time starter at this level. 

64. Brett Rypien, Denver Broncos

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: D

Ability to dominate on his own: C-

Decision-making + talent: D+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: D+

The bottom line: He showed grit and moxie during his stint as Denver's starting quarterback, but he also showcased a foolhardy spirit prone to careless throws unworthy of an NFL QB. 

63. Josh McCown, Houston Texans

Current status: 3rd string

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: D+

Decision-making + talent: C+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: C

Frascella's overall grade: C

The bottom line: Did a pretty decent job filling in for Carson Wentz in last year's Philly playoff loss to the Seahawks. Was also pretty solid with my Jets, considering his advanced years. 

62. Mike Glennon, Jacksonville Jaguars

Current status: Starter (would be backup to Minshew)

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: D+

Decision-making + talent: C-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: D+

Frascella's overall grade: C-

The bottom line: Couldn't beat out Jake Luton for playing time, so I can't really say anything too nice, here. 

UPDATE: Doug Marrone has inexplicably switched to Glennon. I already had a dream that Glennon threw a pick six on his first attempt. 

61. Colt McCoy, New York Giants

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: C-

Decision-making + talent: C

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: C+

Frascella's overall grade: C

The bottom line: A battler. A gamer. Always a popular teammate. 


60. Robert Griffin III, Baltimore Ravens

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: C+

Decision-making + talent: C+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: C+

Frascella's overall grade: C+

The bottom line: Was a star for one, singular healthy season... I guess that's enough to stay ahead of the likes of McCoy and Glennon. 

59. Blaine Gabbert, Tampa Bay Bucs

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: C+

Decision-making + talent: C+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: C

Frascella's overall grade: C+

The bottom line: When he got relatively significant playing time with San Fran in '15 and '16, he was better than I thought. He's nothing to write home about, but he's athletic and seems to extend plays in beneficial ways. 

58. A.J. McCarron, Houston Texans

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: C

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: C+

Frascella's overall grade: C+

The bottom line: Certainly known better for his college days than the pros; hasn't gotten many full-time opportunities at this level. 

57. Matt Schaub, Atlanta Falcons

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: C

Decision-making + talent: B

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B

Frascella's overall grade: C+

The bottom line: Originally I had him in the low 70s or high 60s, but his pocket awareness alone makes him more valuable than some of these other, younger backups. Schaub's experience renders him a puppeteer at the line of scrimmage. 

56. Jordan Love, Green Bay Packers

Current status: No. 3 QB

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: N/A

Decision-making + talent: N/A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: N/A

The bottom line: If LaFleur and the Packers were willing to piss Aaron Rodgers off, Love must really have some potential. Sure this is a "spec" ranking, but I gotta rank him somewhere reasonable. 

55. Jake Luton, Jacksonville Jaguars

Current status: No. 2 QB (would be 3rd string with Minshew)

Season stats: D+

Ability to dominate on his own: C

Decision-making + talent: C

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: C

Frascella's overall grade: C

The bottom line: Maybe some of these preceding guys are safer than Luton, but the kid showed moxie against the Packers in his opening start. I think the Jags should still be starting him in Minshew's absence. Can't judge Luton off a bad performance against the No. 1 rated Steelers' D. 

54. Chad Henne, Kansas City Chiefs

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: 5 of 6 for 30 yards, lol 

Ability to dominate on his own: C

Decision-making + talent: C+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: C+

Frascella's overall grade: C+

The bottom line: Gets a bump in the rankings because of something were to happen to Mahomes, Henne would step into the best situation in the league considering Andy Reid, Eric Bienemy, Travis Kelce, Tyreek Hill, CEH, etc. Improves an average quarterback's chances of succeeding. 

53. Chase Daniel, Detroit Lions

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: 8 of 13 for 94 yards

Ability to dominate on his own: C

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: C

Frascella's overall grade: C+

The bottom line: I think people think he's better than he actually is. He's made some good money at the NFL level, but I can't exactly say he's earned it. I actually think he is an overrated backup, all aspects considered (not an accurate thrower). 


52. Matt Barkley, Buffalo Bills

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: C+

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: C+

Frascella's overall grade: B-

The bottom line: I've always been impressed by Barkley in his limited opportunities. He has a good understanding at the line of scrimmage and doesn't overestimate his own ability. He plays within himself in a positive way. 

51. Jalen Hurts, Philadelphia Eagles

Current status: Backup

Season stats: 2 of 2 for 27 yards 

Ability to dominate on his own: N/A

Decision-making + talent: N/A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: N/A

The bottom line: Another "spec" ranking by default - his opportunity to start has to be coming soon, right? 

50. Tyrod Taylor, Los Angeles Chargers

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: 8 of 13 for 94 yards

Ability to dominate on his own: B-

Decision-making + talent: C+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B-

Frascella's overall grade: B-

The bottom line: Hasn't been good since his brief stint in Cleveland. Was at the height of his limited powers during his Buffalo days. 

49. Marcus Mariota, Las Vegas Raiders 

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: B-

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B-

Frascella's overall grade: B-

The bottom line: Got injured; hasn't had to do anything for the Raiders yet. Started off as a personal favorite of mine, but completely fell off the map due to nagging injuries, indecision and so-so all-around talent. 

48. Garrett Gilbert, Dallas Cowboys

Current status: No. 2 QB (would be 3rd string w/Dak)

Season stats: B-

Ability to dominate on his own: B-

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: B-

The bottom line: Well... look at how young Luton played against the Steelers - Gilbert looked a helluva lot better! I thought he actually showed some real potential. He'd still be my QB, if I were Dallas' decision-makers. 

47. Jeff Driskel, Denver Broncos

Current status: 3rd string

Season stats: B-

Ability to dominate on his own: B-

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B-

Frascella's overall grade: B-

The bottom line: Not sure why he falls out of favor so quickly... I think he's much better than Brett Rypien and was surprised the latter passed him on Denver's depth chart in a bizarre blink of an eye... Driskel has actually racked up some quite strong fantasy games in the past. He has a bit of a run-pass option out there; he's not afraid. 

46. C.J. Beathard, San Francisco 49ers

Current status: 3rd string 

Season stats: B

Ability to dominate on his own: B-

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B-

Frascella's overall grade: B-

The bottom line: The first time Jimmy G got hurt this season, Shanahan went to Mullens first; he faltered, then C.J. came in and provided a real spark. Jimmy G goes down again... and Shanahan goes back to Mullens. It's as if Beathard's good performance was completely ignored or removed from memory. 

45. P.J. Walker, Carolina Panthers

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: B-

Ability to dominate on his own: B

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: B-

The bottom line: This kid has something. Give him 5-6 games and he'll really start to figure things out at the NFL level. He's confident and gives you the run-pass flexibility under center. 

44. Mason Rudolph, Pittsburgh Steelers

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: B-

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B-

Frascella's overall grade: B-

The bottom line: In my opinion, he did an admirable job filling in for Ben Roethlisberger last season. I know others don't agree, but I felt he did a solid job of NOT losing games. That's what you wanna do as a backup on a team with a tier-1 defensive unit. 

43. Dwayne Haskins, Washington Redskins

Current status: No. 2 QB (would be 3rd string w/Allen healthy)

Season stats: B-

Ability to dominate on his own: B-

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: C+

Frascella's overall grade: B-

The bottom line: I saw some positive flashes in two seasons of in-and-out play, but he's clearly not Ron Rivera's guy. Look, both Kyle Allen and Alex Smith are better than him, but I don't think Haskins is terrible. I do think, given more opportunities, he could move up to the 29-36 range on my list in the future. 

42. Mitchell Trubisky, Chicago Bears

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: B

Ability to dominate on his own: B

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: C

Frascella's overall grade: B-

The bottom line: It's still funny how quickly Nagy gave up on him this season... 6/3 in TD to INT with an 87.4 QB rating (Foles is just 81.0 as a frame of reference). We know Trubisky isn't great, but right now he gives you more potential than Foles, who has become entirely limited. 

41. Sam Darnold, New York Jets

Current status: Starter (week-to-week injury)

Season stats: D-

Ability to dominate on his own: B+

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: C-

Frascella's overall grade: B-

The bottom line: The poster boy for inconsistency. Always hurt, or only "flashing" greatness. Never puts it all together with any sort of consistency or toughness. I think he's soft as hell. 

40. Joe Flacco, New York Jets

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: B

Ability to dominate on his own: C+

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B+

Frascella's overall grade: B-

The bottom line: Has truly outplayed his QB teammate this season. Flacco started slow, but showed really good things vs. both the Patriots and Chargers. 

39. Drew Lock, Denver Broncos

Current status: Starter

Season stats: D+

Ability to dominate on his own: B-

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: C+

Frascella's overall grade: B-

The bottom line: Very Trubisky/Darnold esque. I don't see the all-around "it" factor from Lock. He strikes me as more of a backup, long-term. 

38. Jacoby Brissett, Indianapolis Colts

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: N/A

Ability to dominate on his own: B

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B-

Frascella's overall grade: B-

The bottom line: A tough kid. A well-respected leader. Like a better, younger, more usable version of Colt McCoy at this point. Brissett did a lot of productive things as a starting quarterback. 

37. Nick Mullens, San Francisco 49ers

Current status: Starter (would be No. 2 w/Jimmy G)

Season stats: B

Ability to dominate on his own: B-

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B

Frascella's overall grade: B-

The bottom line: I think his numbers are better than his ability (credit Shanahan's coaching, probably). He's flashing an 89.1 QB rating with 79-like talent. 


36. Case Keenum, Cleveland Browns

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: 5 of 10 for 46 yards

Ability to dominate on his own: B

Decision-making + talent: B

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B

Frascella's overall grade: B

The bottom line: One of the saddest stories in the league. The Vikings really screwed him over after the best season of his NFL career, and the Broncos weren't very patient with him, either. He rests now as one of the better backups in the game. 

35. Andy Dalton, Dallas Cowboys

Current status: Starter (would be No. 2 w/Dak)

Season stats: C

Ability to dominate on his own: B

Decision-making + talent: B

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B

Frascella's overall grade: B

The bottom line: The definition of average. We all know who "The Red Rocket" is at this point in his lengthy career. Not really gonna kill ya, not gonna win ya titles. 

34. Jameis Winston, New Orleans Saints

Current status: No. 2 QB (would be 3rd string w/Brees)

Season stats: 7 of 11 for 75 yards

Ability to dominate on his own: A-

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: C+

Frascella's overall grade: B

The bottom line: Was surprised that Taysom Hill basically beat him out for playing time. On the bright side, I'm pretty sure Winston led the entire NFL in passing yards last season. 

33. Nick Foles, Chicago Bears

Current status: Starter 

Season stats: B-

Ability to dominate on his own: B-

Decision-making + talent: B

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: A-

Frascella's overall grade: B

The bottom line: One of my favorite players of all time - because of "The Philly Special" and what he did to the Patriots in that epic Super Bowl - but he simply doesn't have much left. We like his experience and know-how, but he has zero mobility and his arm strength is slowly but surely fading away. 

32. Alex Smith, Washington Football Team

Current status: Starter (would be No. 2 w/Allen)

Season stats: B-

Ability to dominate on his own: B-

Decision-making + talent: B

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B

Frascella's overall grade: B

The bottom line: Bumped him up a few spots after Thursday's shellacking of the division-rival Cowboys. Things are really starting to come back for Alex; what a wonderful story, indeed. If he improves his TD/INT ratio he will likely jump into my top 30 before season's end. 

31. Taysom Hill, New Orleans Saints

Current status: Starter (would be No. 2 w/Brees)

Season stats: B+

Ability to dominate on his own: A-

Decision-making + talent: B

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: B

The bottom line: You could go in a lot of different directions with this kid - he's probably worth a shot as a starter for someone. Why not? We know about his speed, toughness and athleticism, and he's been training as a QB under Sean Payton and Drew Brees. If you are an organization in no man's land at the QB position... why not try something wacky, here? The Bills did the same thing when they initially acquired Tyrod Taylor as a starter... 

30. Kyle Allen, Washington Redskins

Current status: Dislocated ankle, out for season (would be starter)

Season stats: B+

Ability to dominate on his own: B-

Decision-making + talent: B

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: B

The bottom line: That devastating injury was a real bummer. He looked nice and comfortable back there for Ron Rivera's Football Team. He knows the offense and was getting the ball out quickly to his playmakers, letting them do their thing in space. 

29. Daniel Jones, New York Giants

Current status: Starter

Season stats: C+

Ability to dominate on his own: B

Decision-making + talent: B-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: B

The bottom line: One of the most polarizing QBs in the game - my instinct is to put him in a group with Darnold, Trubisky and Lock. Just feels like "his" peeps, right? DJ is probably the best of the bunch right now, but 8 touchdowns to 9 interceptions is an unacceptable ratio. He's clearly too confident in his own ability at many different junctures. 

28. Carson Wentz, Philadelphia Eagles

Current status: Starter

Season stats: C-

Ability to dominate on his own: A-

Decision-making + talent: B

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B-

Frascella's overall grade: B

The bottom line: Yikes, yikes, yikes - the talk of the league, and not in a good way. The kid seems to have completely lost it. Obviously he has the potential to be a top-15 QB in the game, but will he "find" it again, eventually? 

27. Cam Newton, New England Patriots

Current status: Starter

Season stats: C+

Ability to dominate on his own: B+

Decision-making + talent: B

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B-

Frascella's overall grade: B

The bottom line: The Patriots are "hanging around, hanging around"...and it hasn't exactly been pretty. But Cam gives the run/pass option and New England's "weapons" are laughable, so we have to cut him just a little bit of slack. In the grand scheme, No. 27 seems appropriate to me. 

26. Tua Tagovailoa, Miami Dolphins

Current status: Starter

Season stats: B+

Ability to dominate on his own: B

Decision-making + talent: B

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: B

The bottom line: He's already become a polarizing figure in his short stint as the Dolphins' starter; will Flores ultimately go back to Fitz? Time will tell. In the meantime, Tua's QB rating is over 100 and he hasn't thrown a single pick. I know he can't really stretch the field, but he isn't killin' ya out there, either. 

25. Gardner Minshew, Jacksonville Jaguars

Current status: Thumb injury, week-to-week (would be starter)

Season stats: B+

Ability to dominate on his own: B+

Decision-making + talent: B

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B

Frascella's overall grade: B

The bottom line: We all know about his moustache, moxie and bravado, but his actual stats are better than I thought this year. 13/5 is a really good ratio when you play for the lowly Jacksonville Jaguars, and 94.4 is a plenty solid QB rating. A very appropriate combination of confidence and stats for my No. 25 spot, a no man's land of sorts. 

24. Teddy Bridgewater, Carolina Panthers

Current status: Starter

Season stats: B+

Ability to dominate on his own: B

Decision-making + talent: B

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B

Frascella's overall grade: B

The bottom line: He is what he is - a solid game manager. Not gonna win games for ya, not gonna lose 'em either. Love his toughness and ability to bounce back from major injury. 

23. Ryan Fitzpatrick, Miami Dolphins

Current status: No. 2 QB

Season stats: B+

Ability to dominate on his own: A-

Decision-making + talent: B

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B-

Frascella's overall grade: B

The bottom line: Was playing some of the best ball of his entertaining career this season; "FitzMagic" is a real thing, but he's also never reached the playoffs in his long career. He's the best backup quarterback in football right now. 

22. Baker Mayfield, Cleveland Browns

Current status: Starter

Season stats: B+

Ability to dominate on his own: B

Decision-making + talent: B

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B

Frascella's overall grade: B

The bottom line: Not seeing anything special, but the Browns are winning games and Baker isn't getting in the way of their progress as a team. Credit Stefanski more than Baker, for sure. 


21. Jimmy Garoppolo, San Francisco 49ers

Current status: On IR with a high ankle sprain

Season stats: B

Ability to dominate on his own: B

Decision-making + talent: B+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B+

Frascella's overall grade: B+

The bottom line: You see the dropoff in the 49ers when he isn't out there - from near-Super Bowl champ to non-playoff contender. Of course, we also have to factor the injuries to Kittle, Bosa, Samuel, etc... 

20. Joe Burrow, Cincinnati Bengals

Current status: Out for the season with a torn ACL

Season stats: A-

Ability to dominate on his own: A-

Decision-making + talent: A-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: B+

The bottom line: Damn it, man! What a terrible injury. Burrow has been a lot of fun to watch, in spite of Cincinnati's bad record and even worse defense. Burrow is smart, decisive and determined to succeed. He could have been a bit higher if not for the injury. 

19. Jared Goff, Los Angeles Rams

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A-

Ability to dominate on his own: B

Decision-making + talent: B+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B+

Frascella's overall grade: B+

The bottom line: A mystery man, of sorts. Ya never quite know what you are gonna get, but his stats are still good enough and his Rams are an NFC Championship contender. Like Mayfield, he isn't getting in the way of his team's positive progress. 

18. Kirk Cousins, Minnesota Vikings

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A-

Ability to dominate on his own: B+

Decision-making + talent: B+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B

Frascella's overall grade: B+

The bottom line: Always ends up with very respectable stats. Still has the strong arm and really understands his position back there. He's a solid, safe B+ to me. Did a good job taking down the Saints in the playoffs at crunch time last season. 

17. Matthew Stafford, Detroit Lions

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A-

Ability to dominate on his own: A-

Decision-making + talent: A-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B

Frascella's overall grade: B+

The bottom line: Simply isn't as good when Kenny Golladay is out. Has clearly become dependent upon him in a lot of different ways. Stafford's demeanor reminds me of Darnold's these days - losing seems like an inevitability to him. He's just out there playing, not expecting anything great of himself nor his teammates. 


16. Philip Rivers, Indianapolis Colts

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A-

Ability to dominate on his own: B+

Decision-making + talent: A-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B+

Frascella's overall grade: A-

The bottom line: So what if he has a noodle arm? Rivers controls the game at the line of scrimmage. His years of experience have made him a savant under center. He has everything trending in the right direction for Frank Reich's feisty Colts. 

15. Justin Herbert, Los Angeles Chargers

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A

Ability to dominate on his own: A

Decision-making + talent: A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: A-

The bottom line: Up there with the best rookie play I have ever seen out of the quarterback position. Great mechanics, strong arm, timely throws with tremendous accuracy. His numbers are simply out of this world, and that must have been awfully hard to achieve during a COVID year with limited reps coming in. He's been fantastic, and that's the bottom line. 

14. Derek Carr, Las Vegas Raiders

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A

Ability to dominate on his own: A-

Decision-making + talent: A-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B+

Frascella's overall grade: A-

The bottom line: These Raiders are sneaky. Jon Gruden is a real Coach of the Year candidate. He and Carr are on the same page, and the latter is doing an excellent job protecting possessions in their playoff pursuit. 19 touchdowns and only 3 interceptions while completing nearly 70 percent of his attempts. Las Vegas has a good thing goin'. 

13. Matt Ryan, Atlanta Falcons

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A-

Ability to dominate on his own: A-

Decision-making + talent: A-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: A-

Frascella's overall grade: A-

The bottom line: Still Steady Eddy - I'd trust him more than most. He does everything pretty well and No. 13 seems right on the nose, to me. He's not an A or A+ guy, but he's whip smart and knows exactly what to do with the rock. A real student of the game. 

12. Ryan Tannehill, Tennessee Titans

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A

Ability to dominate on his own: A-

Decision-making + talent: A-

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B+

Frascella's overall grade: A-

The bottom line: Led the NFL in QB rating last season, and this year he is staying relatively consistent at 106.6 (7th-best this year). Mike Vrabel and Derrick Henry have worked wonders for his once-stumbling career. 


11. Dak Prescott, Dallas Cowboys

Current status: Compound fracture and dislocation of ankle, out for season

Season stats: A

Ability to dominate on his own: A

Decision-making + talent: A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B

Frascella's overall grade: A

The bottom line: Would probably be No. 4 or 5 if healthy. This is such a devastating injury that we have to see him come back strong, before we can believe it. Wishing him a speedy and full recovery! 

10. Lamar Jackson, Baltimore Ravens

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A

Ability to dominate on his own: A+

Decision-making + talent: B+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: C

Frascella's overall grade: A

The bottom line: A "down" year with a 93.4 QB rating, 15/6 and 575 rushing yards (second-most to Kyler). The Ravens are still in this thing and Lamar is the reigning MVP of the league. I can't give up on him as quickly as others have. 

9. Drew Brees, New Orleans Saints

Current status: Fractured ribs and collapsed lung, out indefinitely

Season stats: A

Ability to dominate on his own: A

Decision-making + talent: A+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: A

Frascella's overall grade: A

The bottom line: Would be No. 7 if healthy. These are scary injuries for a wily old vet. Hope he comes back looking like himself. Otherwise, his career could be in a bit of jeopardy. 

8. Tom Brady, Tampa Bay Bucs

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A

Ability to dominate on his own: A

Decision-making + talent: A+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: A+

Frascella's overall grade: A

The bottom line: Something doesn't look exactly right, and I think it's this Tampa offensive line. In Tommy's advanced years, he really doesn't wanna be taking any vicious hits, and this has led to some uncharacteristic turnovers in big spots. He needs better protection to make a serious playoff run with this squad. 

7. Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh Steelers

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A

Ability to dominate on his own: A

Decision-making + talent: A+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: A

Frascella's overall grade: A

The bottom line: Has bounced back incredibly from injury, with strong stats and an undefeated record. Not much else you could ask from Big Ben this season. 

6. Kyler Murray, Arizona Cardinals

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A

Ability to dominate on his own: A+

Decision-making + talent: A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: N/A

Frascella's overall grade: A

The bottom line: An MVP candidate who is currently dealing with a (somewhat) concerning shoulder injury. I hope he comes back strong this week, but I worry about future shots to his throwing arm. He's not a big guy, as we know. 

5. Josh Allen, Buffalo Bills

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A

Ability to dominate on his own: A+

Decision-making + talent: A

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: B-

Frascella's overall grade: A

The bottom line: Kid just continues to improve every, single year. Has put a lot of the haters to sleep. His awareness of the position has improved exponentially, along with his accuracy and protection of valuable possessions. Don't forget about his productive rushing in the redzone, either. 

4. Deshaun Watson, Houston Texans

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A+

Ability to dominate on his own: A+

Decision-making + talent: A+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: A-

Frascella's overall grade: A

The bottom line: Seems totally locked in in every aspect of the game right now. Too bad their defense mostly sucks and they don't have DeAndre Hopkins anymore. I very nearly put Deshaun into this next class... 


3. Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay Packers

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A+

Ability to dominate on his own: A+

Decision-making + talent: A+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: A

Frascella's overall grade: A+

The bottom line: We start the same top 3 as my preseason rankings! I had Rodgers as the third-best player in the NFL heading into this season, and mostly everyone disagreed with me. I knew not to give up on him. Others were crediting LaFleur and Aaron Jones for the Packers' success last season - and I happen to like both guys a lot - but Rodgers' all-around mastery of the quarterback position should always be the greatest consideration. He still has a gun... meanwhile he has 29 touchdowns to just 4 interceptions! 

2. Russell Wilson, Seattle Seahawks

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A+

Ability to dominate on his own: A+

Decision-making + talent: A+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: A+

Frascella's overall grade: A+

The bottom line: If not for the careless interceptions of late, he might have claimed the No. 1 spot. I'm sure he will button things up down the stretch. He was a runaway MVP through 4-5 games, but now he's dropped off just a bit. Still, he's as amazing as it gets at his position. A true megastar. 

1. Patrick Mahomes, Kansas City Chiefs

Current status: Starter

Season stats: A+

Ability to dominate on his own: A+

Decision-making + talent: A+

Crunch time/playoff/Super Bowl pedigree: A+

Frascella's overall grade: A+

The bottom line: "The best of the best of the best...sir!" - Men In Black 

That's Pat Mahomes. I think we all know it. Need I say more?

Friday, November 13, 2020

Frascella's NFL Head Coach Power Rankings: Flores & Kingsbury Climb the Ranks

Ya'll know I hate intros. These are head coach power rankings. Hopefully that's self-explanatory...

Tier 6: Placeholder

32. Romeo Crennel, Texans: Current (2-2); All-Time (30-57); Winning (34.5%)

Tier Notes: The Texans will likely begin their rebuild next season with a brand-new coach. Crennel is unfortunately just biding time; keeping the seat warm for the next man in line. 

Tier 5: On the Hot Seat and/or Lame Ducks

31. Adam Gase, Jets: Current (0-9); All-Time (30-43); Winning (41.1%)

30. Doug Marrone, Jaguars: Current (1-7); All-Time (38-52); Winning (42.2%)

29. Vic Fangio, Broncos: Current (3-5); All-Time (10-14); Winning (41.7%)

28. Matt Patricia, Lions: Current (3-5); All-Time (12-27-1); Winning (31.3%)

27. Anthony Lynn, Chargers: Current (2-6); All-Time (28-29); Winning (49.1%)

26. Raheem Morris, Falcons: Current (3-1); All-Time (20-32); Winning (38.5%)

25. Mike McCarthy, Cowboys: Current (2-7); All-Time (127-84-2); Winning (60.1%)

Tier Notes: It'll be interesting to see what Atlanta does with Morris, as the Falcons have looked like a completely different team since Dan Quinn was relieved of his duties. Fiery Morris is certainly making a case for himself. 

Tier 4: Rookies and Other Inexperienced Coaches

24. Joe Judge, Giants: Current (2-7) - rookie season

23. Zac Taylor, Bengals: Current (2-5-1); All-Time (4-19-1); Winning (18.8%)

22. Matt Nagy, Bears: Current (5-4); All-Time (25-16); Winning (61%)

21. Matt Rhule, Panthers: Current (3-6) - rookie season

20. Kevin Stefanski, Browns: Current (5-3) - rookie season 

Tier Notes: Taylor's win-loss numbers are ugly, but things are trending in the right direction for this young Bengals' squad. Rookie gunslinger Joe Burrow and Taylor mostly appear to be on the same page as Cincy attempts to steadily improve. 

Tier 3: Rising Stars and Solid Vets

19. Ron Rivera, Washington: Current (2-6); All-Time (78-69-1); Winning (53%)

18. Mike Zimmer, Vikings: Current (3-5); All-Time (60-43-1); Winning (58.2%)

17. Brian Flores, Dolphins: Current (5-3); All-Time (10-14); Winning (41.7%)

16. Kliff Kingsbury, Cardinals: Current (5-3); All-Time (10-13-1); Winning (43.8%)

15. Frank Reich, Colts: Current (6-3); All-Time (23-18); Winning (56.1%)

14. Jon Gruden, Raiders: Current (5-3); All-Time (111-105); Winning (51.4%)

13. Doug Pederson, Eagles: Current (3-4-1); All-Time (41-30-1); Winning (57.6%)

12. Sean McDermott, Bills: Current (7-2); All-Time (32-25); Winning (56.1%)

11. Bruce Arians, Bucs: Current (6-3); All-Time (62-42); Winning (59.5%)

10. Sean McVay, Rams: Current (5-3); All-Time (38-18); Winning (67.9%)

9. Matt LaFleur, Packers: Current (6-2); All-Time (19-5); Winning (79.2%)

8. Kyle Shanahan, 49ers: Current (4-5); All-Time (27-30); Winning (47.4%)

7. Mike Vrabel, Titans: Current (6-3); All-Time (24-17); Winning (58.5%)

Tier Notes: It's a deep tier because results are relative within this group. Vrabel, Shanahan, LaFleur and McVay clearly have the opportunity to become the class of the league over time. Gruden's re-development of the Raiders is going swimmingly. Kingsbury and Flores have a ton of overall potential. Pederson and Reich get their guys to play all out for them, etc. 

Tier 2: As Steady As They Come

6. Pete Carroll, Seahawks: Current (6-2); All-Time (139-92); Winning (60.1%)

5. John Harbaugh, Ravens: Current (6-2); All-Time (124-76); Winning (62%)

4. Sean Payton, Saints: Current (6-2); All-Time (137-79); Winning (63.4%)

3. Mike Tomlin, Steelers: Current (8-0); All-Time (141-74); Winning (65.5%)

Tier Notes: We're splitting hairs when it comes to 3, 4 and 5. Especially when it comes to Payton and Tomlin. These guys have been pillars of consistency and high-quality organizational culture. 

Tier 1: The Legends

2. Bill Belichick, Patriots: Current (3-5); All-Time (276-132); Winning (67.6%)

1. Andy Reid, Chiefs: Current Record (8-1); All-Time Record (215-129); Winning (62.5%)

Tier Notes: Reid has clearly surpassed Belichick by innovating at a much higher rate of speed. Reid stays ahead of everyone, while Bill is starting to slow down, now... 

Don't forget to check me out at Aaron Torres Online, as well as the "John Frascella Show" on the Fantasy Impact Today podcast network!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Frascella's NFL Week 6 Scouting Notes

Photo Credit: USA Today

I watched an obscene amount of football yesterday. Here's what I saw:

1. Jerry Jeudy continues to take baby steps backwards. 

I have to admit... I'm disappointed in the youngster. Early on, his routes were crisp and he was coming along, and I think we all thought the Courtland Sutton injury was gonna open the door to more targets for the talented rookie. But... Tim Patrick has clearly emerged as the Broncos' WR1. He's big, long, sneaky fast and dynamic. Even when Noah Fant has missed games, Jeudy hasn't capitalized in major ways. He's looking like a disappointment right now, and it's kind of sad. 

2. The Patriots can't play from behind... even a little. 

The Broncos were kicking one field goal after another, but it still felt like a deep hole for the Pats. Sure, New England ended up in a spot where they had the potential to win the game, but it was an ugly trudge leading up to that point. Interception, fumble...some offensive plays with brutally bad timing. Cam holds the ball too long in must-throw situations. Sad but true... the Broncos actually looked like a better all-around team than the Pats in this one. 

3. Bill Belichick might... retire??

This season is already becoming a mess. You wanna go one way or the other in this situation... either Cam plays well, you go 11-5 and make the playoffs... or you stink and start over with a shiny new franchise quarterback. Yet, this season is headed exactly where I projected before a single game was played: 9-7 no man's land. That's the worst possible outcome from Belichick's perspective. And the retirement stuff? Credit my Dad "Big Fro" for that one - since when does Belichick do commercials showcasing his friendly "personality"? Is he getting softer or something? If he doesn't get a chance to get a legit franchise QB in the draft, maybe he finally turns the keys over to Josh McDaniels, who has been waiting ever-so-patiently?

4. Joe Flacco is just collecting a paycheck. 

What he's doing isn't even football. He mentioned to a reporter last week that he has 5 kids and needs to pay the bills, and you can certainly see that coming across on the football field. He's just trying to not get killed out there. He isn't even really making a good effort to complete passes or score points. The Jets got shutout by the Dolphins yesterday - at least they move the ball and hang around in games when Sam Darnold is under center for Adam Gase The Clown. Flacco is a disgrace right now, and that's fully on GM Joe Douglas who has done a horrific job since taking over. 

5. Adam Gase doesn't innovate. 

Overall, I defend him because the Jets have the least talent in the NFL and injuries to boot, but ya know what? Whenever the 49ers have injuries, Kyle Shanahan finds creative ways to move the ball and score points. That's what a real coach does. Gase is just biding time until his firing at this point. Same vanilla formations, same boring playcalls with no excitement or creativity. 

6. Jimmy Garoppolo remains one thing: A winner. 

Clearly playing on one leg out there. He really toughed it out in a pretty convincing victory over the Rams last night. He got rid of the ball quickly and on time, and he let his playmakers do the rest of the work. In particular, he shined when he rushed to get in FG range down the stretch - he lowered his shoulder and hustled despite the injury. Cris Collinsworth took special note of this tough play, and he should have. 

7. The Rams are unable to stretch the field, and that's a real problem. 

Everything is too predictable at this point. Lotta playaction, short passes, WR screens, slants and quick routes. You gotta stretch the defense to open up the middle of the field for 20-30 yard connections. You gotta keep the defense out of the box; yet I will say... Darrell Henderson is lookin' super sharp these days. More physical and quicker than ever before. Even when the box is loaded, he makes the right reads a la Dalvin Cook. He's the major bright spot for this offense right now. On the flip side... what the hell was wrong with Cooper Kupp last night on national TV?

8. What came first... the chicken or the egg? The Belichick vs. Brady debate. 

Well... this week went particularly well for TB12. The magic Belichick "system" doesn't work when Cam Newton holds the ball too long and doesn't have any weapons to throw to, anyway. Also, they had a shot in this one, but Cam couldn't get it done in a typical spot where Brady always shined and delivered. It just looked bad for New England, all around. On the flip side, Brady and the boys put a beatdown on the great Aaron Rodgers and his Packers. The Bucs' defense is looking sharp, and Brady's offense is really starting to click. Even Rob Gronkowski got into the action! 

There's a lot more, but my real job is too busy right now. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

Fantasy Football Stream of Consciousness: Week 2

 Photo Credit: Stripe Hype 

When you are highly active on fantasy Twitter, you become invested in virtually every offensive player in the NFL. Thus, each week, there is a ton to unpack. Here are some rapid-fire thoughts, as we await Sunday's exciting slate of games... 

1. Joe Burrow looks good, early. 

I loved him in college - particularly last season - and thus far he looks like himself at the NFL level. He's confident, makes quick reads and mixes the pass and run. Since well before the draft, I've been calling him a potential Philip Rivers or Matt Ryan in terms of career production and ranking. Like, in their best years, Rivers and Ryan could be considered top 5 at the time, but ultimately they are more like the No. 6 to 12 QB in the league. That's pretty damn good, if you ask me. Burrow has the rushing element they never had, too. Tough, close loss to the Browns last night, though. 

2. Who are the Texans when they aren't getting crushed by the Chiefs?

It's easy to look bad against the mighty Chiefs. But who are these Texans, in the absence of the great DeAndre Hopkins? Was that shellacking a good indicator of who they will be, going forward? 

I'm not a Brandin Cooks guy, and Randall Cobb looked elderly in the opener. Will Fuller and Kenny Stills can be frustrating, for obvious reasons. And damn... opening up against the Chiefs and Ravens, back to back? That's cold, NFL! Generally I go against the grain when the Public is heavy one way (it's 82% on the Ravens at -7, at the moment), but I dunno on this one. I could still see the Ravens blowing their doors off. The Texans will continue to be an interesting team to monitor in the early going. I honestly think I may go with the Public on this one. 

3. Will Mitchell Trubisky take a stranglehold of the Bears' starting QB spot?

He was the hero in the opener, leading an unlikely comeback that shocked the Lions and their faithful. But...he kind of looked like himself, early. Sloppy, inaccurate, ill-prepared. This is a major opportunity for Mitch this week against the Giants - he could really hit the ground running, if he comes in prepared and focused. I think Allen Robinson is in for a huge game, with all the off-the-field nonsense going on. It's only 34% on the Bears right now, which hypothetically bodes well for Trubisky. You just never quite know if he's going to deliver. 

4. That Falcons/Cowboys game really feels like a shootout, doesn't it?

Looks can be deceiving, but I think you just gotta go with this one. Fire up Ryan, Prescott, Zeke, Ridley, Julio, Cooper & Gallup in DFS. Maybe even Hayden Hurst, CeeDee Lamb and Russell Gage... 

5. Are the Packers in for a mini regression this week vs. the Lions?

Aaron Rodgers is on a mission this season. I've been saying this from the get-go. The second Green Bay drafted Jordan Love, I knew A-Rod was gonna pop off. I've been pushing him as a good veteran redraft play, along with Matty Ice and Drew Brees. But... was Rodgers too good in the opener? People may want to ride him in DFS, and I'm not sure he'll be worth the $6,900 salary on DK. I like Ryan at $6,600 and TB12 at $6,500 (he's in for a bounce-back game vs the Panthers). Also, it's 78% on the Packers right now. I think I like Aaron Jones more than Aaron Rodgers this week. But, overall over the course of the season, Rodgers will continue to shine. 

6. Can the 49ers beat my Jets by 100 points?

I mean, I'm kidding, but... not really. Ya never know with Gang Green. They are the plague of football.

7. Will Bridgewater continue to spread the targets around?

DJ Moore's ADP was frightening. As I've said many times before... Robby Anderson and Curtis Samuel are there. In the opener, Bridgewater was happy to use all of them, just about equally. Anderson was his WR1 over DJM, in terms of production. We shall see if that will continue, but DJM owners are sweating, undoubtedly...

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Fantasy Football: Auction Draft Results & Notes

Photo Credit:

Just some data and quick notes from last night:

-12 teams
-Last flex spot is only WR/TE
-RB devalued
-$220 budget 
-Full-point PPR


Mahomes $58
Saquon $55
Lamar $54
CMC $53
Davante $50


Julio for $41

Relatively speaking, Kamara went for $46 which is interesting

CEH went too high at $41 


Tyreek for $37
Chubb for $32
Evans for $32 

I like my pick of Prescott for $36 when Kyler went for $46 

Kelce for $31 feels good 

Aaron Rodgers for $30 is worth it in SF 

Odell went too high at $38


Tom Brady at $24 in SF
Kittle $27
Golladay $25
Metcalf $22
Kupp $22
Ekeler $22
Ertz $20

Didn't like JuJu or Drake at $29 


A.J. Brown $19
Chark $18
Carr $14 in SF
Hilton $14 worth a shot
Rivers $14
Akers $13 (when CEH went for $41) 
DeVante Parker $13
Sutton $13
Lock $13
Minshew $11 (steal)
Woods $10 one of the best picks in the draft
Jonathan Taylor $10 super awesome value 
Tyrod $10 worth that in SF


A.J. Green $8
Fournette $8
Waller $8 freakin' steal!
Hollywood Brown $7 great pick 
Ryan Fitz $7 in SF
Haskins $7 same idea

($5 and under)

Crowder $5 Jets' WRs are depleted
Jordan Howard $4 why not?? 
Higbee $4 - shout to Rob Norton on Twitter!
Hunt $4 - wow 
Hunter Henry $3 real nice
Preston Williams $3 freakin steal 
Swift $3
Gesicki $2 fantastic value 
N'Keal $2
Hurst $2 hype player
James White $2
D-Jax $2
Tarik Cohen $2 freakin awesome 
Zack Moss $2 no risk
Blake Jarwin $1 - us! 
Anthony Miller $1
Lat Murray $1
Edmonds $1 - my dude! super quick 
Herndon $1
Irv Smith $1
Mack $1
Jonnu Smith $1

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Frascella's Best Fantasy Football Accounts to Follow (2020)

Photo Credit: YouTube

On Twitter, I've always been active in the fantasy football community @LegendSports7; but, when I got really active during the COVID-19 lockdown, I was looking for a one-stop way to find the best accounts to follow.

Needless to say, I didn't have a lot of luck (otherwise I wouldn't be writing this piece). 

So my goal here is to assist the newbies or up-and-comers in our industry; hopefully, in the future, they will Google "best fantasy football accounts to follow" and this article will be the very first result. 

Also... I always like to shoutout great people and great accounts! So, let's get this damn thing poppin'...


So... go ahead and Google "best fantasy football accounts to follow"... one of the top results is this piece right here - and it's from July of 2015! Despite being dated, it retains some useful information. Some of the aforementioned "Godfathers" are mentioned. So, in each tier, what I'm going to do is list the handles first, then fire off my comments below:

(** Editor's note: All follower numbers are accurate as of the morning of Thursday, August 8, 2020.)

Matthew Berry @MatthewBerryTMR (1 million followers)
Brad Evans @NoisyHuevos (131,500 followers) 
Evan Silva @evansilva (211,900 followers)
Adam Levitan @adamlevitan (130,500 followers)

These are the guys who have been around; especially Berry, who is like the OG of the game. I don't think his content is anything special at this point, but he gets by on name value and 1 million followers. 

Evans is easily my favorite of this group - he is very interactive with other members of the fantasy football community. Shout to Brad, a good dude!


These are verified accounts with name value and a strong amount of followers:

Peter Jennings @CSURAM88 (65,400 followers)
Matt Harmon @MHarmon_BYB (99,000 followers)
JJ Zachariason @LateRoundQB (88,700 followers)
Chris Raybon @ChrisRaybon (43,400 followers) 
Sam Monson @PFF_Sam (74,200 followers)

JJ is probably the most interactive of this group - he's a cool guy who is great for the community. Peter and Sam are very sharp fellows, all-around. 


The only reason I am putting these amazing women together in one tier is because the numbers clearly indicate that women are severely outnumbered in our fantasy football community. We hope to see more strong, talented women on the come-up!

Cynthia Frelund @cfrelund (108,800 followers)
Liz Loza @LizLoza_FF (35,300 followers)
Michelle Magdziuk @BallBlastEm (13,000 followers)
Rachel aka "Fantasy Football Chick" @liveocgirl (9,032 followers)

A fearsome foursome you should be following! Knowledgeable, innovative and entertaining. 


Some more fantastic accounts!

Ian Hartitz @ihartitz (35,100 followers, should be a verified account)
Jonathan Bales @BalesFootball (46,700 followers)
Matt Kelley aka "the podfather" @Fantasy_Mansion (29,900 followers)
Scott Barrett @ScottBarrettDFB (65,100 followers)
Mike Tagliere @MikeTagliereNFL (77,700 followers)
Nathan Jahnke @PFF_NateJahnke (50,000 followers)
Steve Palazzolo @PFF_Steve (67,100 followers)

Ian is very popular within the community, and I'm truly surprised Twitter hasn't yet verified his account. Bales & "Tags" are names we hear all the time in this industry. All good follows, for sure. 


Want to keep up on news in a fast-moving industry? These are most certainly the accounts to follow...

Adam Schefter @AdamSchefter (7.8 MILLION followers)
Ian Rapoport @RapSheet (2.2 million followers)
PFF Fantasy Football @PFF_Fantasy (206,600 followers)
Rotoworld Football @Rotoworld_FB (318,100 followers)
Fantasy Football Today @FFToday (253,100 followers)

If Matt Berry is The Godfather of fantasy football...then Adam Schefter is the Don Vito Corleone of NFL player and team news. He always seems to get the scoops early. Rapoport is a machine, as well. You should be following/reading headlines and injury updates at too.


Well-deserved additions to the list, thanks to great content and popular demand:

Marvin Elequin @FF_MarvinE
Jacob Vines @JSnake_DFF
John Bauer @TheBauerClub

Bring on more awesome, write-in votes! 


These are kind and knowledgeable people I have worked with, or actively continue to work with on podcasts, articles and/or all things football:

Aaron Torres @Aaron_Torres (25,100 followers)
Aaron Torres Sports Podcast @AaronTorresPod
Wes Easley @loafinit
JB Barry @FantasyCoachJB
Jeff Culhane @JeffCulhane
Andy Rieckhoff @AndyOnTheAm
Fantasy Impact Today @FIToday_
Abe aka "Ace DFS Docket" @TheDFSDetective
Sideline Squib @sidelinesquib 
The DFS Docket @DFS_Docket
Josh Faber @jfaber43
JJ Talks @jjtalkspod 
Pierre Wilson @pwee31
Bobby Smith @FosterFantasy
Austin Montgomery @amontgomerylive

Don't forget to check out my continuing podcasts with Wes at

BIG, BIG shows coming with Aaron Torres aka "A.T." in the VERY near future... 

Potential Collaborators

RiseorFall @TeamRiseorFall
Mitch Carl @DFSnDonuts

Stadium Rant @StadiumRantHQ
Tyler Lamb @Lamb4752

Razzball @Razzball
Rudy Gamble @rudygamble
DonkeyTeeth @DonkeyTeeth87 @nfltrade_rumors

MLB Trade Rumors @mlbtraderumors
Steve Adams @Adams_Steve
wTC Zencka+ @tczencka
Talk Nats @TalkNats


I think the tier title speaks for itself. These people are kind, funny, welcoming, knowledgeable and always awesome: 

Jerel Bawayan @jerelffdynasty1
Jon McNabb @JonMcNabb
Nick DeJong @NickDynastyFF
Elvin Ryan @ElvinRyan_FF
Commissioner Breeze @mcbreeze11
J Boyce @JRay_Boyce
Jay Arsht @JArshtFF
Chris Robin @DetroitBeastie
Rob Norton @norton0723
Travis Kent @LaptopLombardi
Angry Sports Couple @Him_HerSports
Scott Simpson @NimbleWNumbers
LaQuan Jones @RealDealFantasy
Beezy B @dabeezyBFF

Bill Carroll @elevenbravo138
Jose @Jalvarez817
Joe Florina @joeflo23
Matt Friesen @kobefriesen
McMeow116 @McMeowDynastyff
Mark Bryan @FF_mbryan4445
Michael Reedy @MikeReedyFF
FF Josh @josh_ff
Tucker Saley @SaleyFootball 
Dave Crews @crewser128 
Fantasy Ftball Commish @AskTheFFC
Mister Patrick @MisterPatrick1
Just Football @JusttheFoosball
Dynasty Sportz Fanatic @Dynasty_Sportz
Freakzilla @Freakzilla316
sum_dude44 @sum_dude44
Jake Headley @JakeHeadleyFFB
FF Mike @FFMike_
Petey @PeteyHarrison
Garrett @Gar_rett_

Todd Riley @RunTheWaggle
The Fantasy Football Experience @Danny_FFX
Kevin Tompkins @kompkinsii
Fantasy Mike @FantasyMikeBBF
In the Zone @inthezonefb
Phillip Caldwell @DumpsterDiveFF
Reality FFP @RealityFFP
Shane Barrett @ffShaneB
Mike Grimes @Dr_FootBalls

Tom Bombadil @BombadilFantasy #TomBomb lol
JMickey @JMickey701
David J. Gautieri @GuruFantasyWrld
Sam Wallace @SWallace_FF - no @
Josh Mitchell @Dynasty_Josh
Timothy M. Lafferty @King_Laff
JayDee @sportstlk365
Fantasy Fan Chaz @FantasyfanC
Dynasty Addicts @Dynasty_Addicts
Brad Ward @WardonSports
Burt @ FF_Burt 
Nises @Sesinm_24
bbdam23 @bbdam2323 
Fanta Claus @FFantaClaus
Meng @FFA_Meng - no @ 
Michael Stoyanov @MikeStoyanov

- A very special thanks to Jerel, Nick, Jon and Elvin for truly being the most supportive. 

-Breeze and Rob are putting out some fire content lately. 

-A special mention to David, LaQuan and Sam who grabbed my attention when I started getting really active in the fantasy football community. 


Certainly some big names, here... and I want to personally thank them for the support! 

Aaron Jones @Showtyme_33 - one of the best running backs in the NFL!!! 

Darius Butler @DariusJButler - my former basketball teammate, and a former standout corner for the Colts and Patriots!

Thor Nystrom @thorku - Rotoworld/NBC sports lead CFB writer. 

Matt Zylbert @MattZylbert - one of the best-known in the MLB betting world. 


Means what it says! You should follow these sports fanatics...

Steve @vanhorn_44
Frank @hammerscoming 
Mike @mljja
DJ @mrmaritime
Adam @ofishal21 
Kyle @kbaxte2
Mark @markyoso
Rudy @rudymadethis
Jamie @garlander25
Matt @mdesantis02
Matty DeSantis @LegendSportsVP
Bill Bradley @illbill1000
Ill Bill @iLLegendSports1
Billy Valeriano @Yanknuts1981
Dan @DogyDogDan 
Pete P @Loco37
Ernest @enice10 
Jax @Sxajorp
Peter Lu @bostoneagle5 - follow him for genius DFS plays!! 
Matt @mattgallo501
Steven @StevenMurray10
Tim @BigTimmyTweets
Vinny Tricarico @TricaricoVinny
Clown @MattZylbert_
Charles "Paul" Kellam @charles_kellam 
David Rothman @DaveR_Fro_Zone 
NYC Neanderthal @NYC_Neanderthal 
Nick Caputi @capootz12
Matt @mattgitter
Jimmy H @jimjay1530
Nik Jackson @karizmajackson04
Mike R @HomeRunPace
Sean H @shammer422
Chris D @chriswho22


This list is always available to be updated! Shoot me your favorites and suggestions on Twitter @LegendSports7. If your friends made the list... be sure to retweet and let them know!

Let's make this THE article, next time someone Googles "best fantasy football accounts to follow". 

Thank you all... as always... for reading and listening! 

Best always,
John Frascella @LegendSports7

Less Active on Twitter 

David Rothman @DaveR_Fro_Zone 
NYC Neanderthal @NYC_Neanderthal 
Michael A @MaddDogs
Lauren P. @laurenpeteroy
Gia Lyn @gia8786
Nick Kale @nekale
Lindsay Rizzo @LBRizzo
Evan Hernstat @EHernstat
Peter Kirby @NYPeterKirby
Gem Jamandre @gematoy
MelissC10 @MCurra
Danelle @DanelleFK
BennyG @BennyG247
Jen @jenwolo
Tommy Herold @TheRealTHerold
Patti Rizzo @PattiRizzo
Andrew Cortazzo @AndrewCortazzo
Ben Trachtenberg @Ben_T_Fro_Zone
Benjamin Maidenbaum @bmaidenbaum
Donny Dinero @DonnyDinero7
Bonny_Binero @BBinero
Tommy_Tinero @TineroTommy
Brett Apter @brettapt7472
Chris @Chris18872218
Kenrick Thomas @Kenrickthomas

For Basketball Articles & Posts

Rachel @liveocgirl
Wes @loafinit
Fantasy Impact Today @FIToday_
Tim @runfromdolan
Pierre @pwee31
Bobby @FosterFantasy 

Breezy @mcbreeze11
J Boyce @JRay_Boyce
Beastie @DetroitBeastie
Rob @norton0723
Angry Couple @Him_HerSports
Scott @NimbleWNumbers

Troy @TKingMode
Bill @elevenbravo138
Jose @Jalvarez817
Joe @joeflo23
Matt @kobefriesen 
Mark @FF_mbryan4445
Mike @MikeReedyFF
Dave @crewser128
Just Football @JusttheFoosball
Todd @RunTheWaggle
Mike @Dr_FootBalls

Josh @Dynasty_Josh
Mike @MikeStoyanov
Brad @WardonSports

Matt @MattZylbert
Steve @vanhorn_44
Frank @hammerscoming
DJ @mrmaritime
Mark @markyoso
Rudy @rudymadethis
Jamie @garlander25
Matt @mdesantis02
Matt @LegendSportsVP
Bill @illbill1000
Bill @illegendsports1
Billy @Yanknuts1981
Dan @dogydogdan
Pete @Loco37
Ernest @enice10
Peter @bostoneagle5
Matt @mattgallo501
Steve @StevenMurray10
Tim @BigTimmyTweets
Vinny @TricaricoVinny
Paul @charles_kellam

Nick @capootz12
Matt @mattgitter
Jimmy @jimjay1530
Tommy @ThomasH35520011
Sean @shammer422
Chris @chriswho22
Peter @PeterEKirby
Ross @rschneid3
Spoon @SpoonJon
Matt @mattygicz
Rajiv @RajivLeventhal
Rich @rich_migel
Dat @Dat_m_Le
Mike @MikeKirby28
Sam @SamuelYtuarte
Mike @MikeHindin

Benny @BenJustJamin13
Nick @Dynasty_Nick
LeChubb @MobleyOnTop
Adam @adam_christ_boy
Depressed Packers @YFF_Mel
Bill Keyes @KeyesBill
Aaron @AJ97Wildcat
Nicholas @youngstudFF
Nick @NickElenis
Lakeshow @Lakeshow231
Andre @AndreSportsFan
Jake @JakesFFootball
Gage @GageBoone23
Kadidy @LordKadidy
Chauncey @bigchaunc64
Chili @RobertJMolnar

Tom Johnson @TomJohnson314
Doom DPT @mrdrsize
Derf @DerfandDylan
sum @sum_dude44
Ron @DIFS412
Dr. Fox @mkfox52
DMIC @dmicmedia 
Jacob @JacobBak12
Jr @JrBloom5
gray @Gray__Thomas
Tittiesrfun @2tittiesrfun
AJ @juice33nyc

Coach Ram @coachRAM71
Caz @BillsMafia32
Alex @DynastyGuruNFL
El prez @elprez365
gary @garygold23

CeSquared @CeSquaredd
Brian @boltup1990
Phil Ossie @Phil_Ossie

Nets Tragic @abercadabera
Big Daddy Duck @FarmerRichieNFT
Dynasty Sportz Fanatic @Dynasty_Sportz
Fantasy Goodness @egGoodSports
Matt Kazlowski @FarRunnerMatt
Shirley Pavlak @metsfanheatherb
Ron Burgandy @DIFS412
Adel @DigitalAdel
Mister Patrick @MisterPatrick1
Grey - Nuggets Stan Account @GreysonAdams907
Frank White @FrankWhite718BK
Jarred @InsiiderJayy
Coach Mahz @tribecallednola
Brian @brian_newsome5

Skip @RealSkipBayless
Shannon @ShannonSharpe
Colin @ColinCowherd
Stephen @stephenasmith
Max @Maxkellerman
Dave @stoolpresidente
Scott @notthefakeSVP
Bill @BillSimmons
Mad Dog @MadDogUnleashed
Mike @MikeFrancesa
Evan @EvanRobertsWFAN
Boomer @7BoomerEsiason
Craig @craigcartonlive
Chris @Chris_Broussard
Undisputed @undisputed
Jim @jimrome
Bomani @bomani_jones
Michael Kay @RealMichaelKay

Shaq @Shaq
Kenny @TheJetOnTNT
Kendrick @KendrickPerkins
Jalen @JalenRose
JJ @jj_redick
Rex @RexChapman
Adrian @wojespn
Shams @ShamsCharania
Zach @ZachLowe_NBA
Marc @MarcJSpears
Stan @realStanVG
Ryan @RyanRuocco
Richard @RJeff24
Wally @wallyball
Chris @ChrisCarrino
Vince @mrvincecarter15
Greg @GregAnthony50
Isiah @IsiahThomas
John @johnhollinger
Doris @heydb
Carlos @MisterCBooz
Michael @Grady
Reggie @ReggieMillerTNT
Clyde @WaltFrazier
David @davidaldridgedc
Steve @steve21smith
Dwyane @DwyaneWade
Mike @MikeFratello
Ryan @TheRyanHollins
Sarah @sarahkustok

Ben @BenGolliver
Brian @WindhorstESPN
Rob @RobMahoney
Chris @SIChrisMannix
Logan @loganmmurdock

Fantasy Labs @FantasyLabs
Fantasy Pros @FantasyPros
The Sporting News @sportingnews
Bleacher Report @BleacherReport
Fox Sports 1 @FS1
Sports Illustrated @SInow
The Ringer @ringer
The Athletic @TheAthletic
Barstool @barstoolsports
ESPN @espn
SportsCenter @SportsCenter
CBS @CBSSports
NBC @NBCSports
RotoBaller @RotoBaller
USA Today @usatodaysports

Ringer NBA @ringernba
CBS Sports NBA @CBSSportsNBA
Ball Don't Lie @Balldontlie
Talkin' Nets @TalkinNets
Nets Daily @NetsDaily
Underdog NBA @Underdog__NBA
Brooklyn Netcast @BrooklynNetcast
Nets Videos @SNYNets
Basketball News @basketballnews
NBA Reddit @NBA_Reddit

NBA Central @TheNBACentral
ESPN Stats & Info @ESPNStatsInfo
BasketNews @BasketNews_com
Hoop Central @TheHoopCentral
Legion Hoops @LegionHoops 
Hater Central @TheHateCentral
ClutchPoints @ClutchPointsApp

For Mets Articles & Posts

Steve @StevenACohen2
Jeremy @Jeremy_Hefner53

Jon @JonHeyman
Howie @HowieRose
Mets Booth @MetsBooth
Keith @KeithHernandez
Steve @SteveGelbs (113,000 Followers)
Wayne @WayneRandazzo
SNY @SNYtv (203,000 Followers)
SNY Mets @SNY_Mets (120,000 Followers)
Tim @TimBritton (35,000 Followers)
Mike @michaelgbaron (49,000 Followers)
Anthony @AnthonyDiComo (162,000 Followers)
Andy @martinonyc (80,000 Followers)
Joel @JoelSherman1 (275,000 Followers)
Mike @NYPost_Mets (102,000 Followers)

Mets @Mets (1,200,000 Followers)

The 7 Line @The7Line (116,000 Followers)
GENY Mets @genymets (62,000 Followers)
Amazin' Avenue @AmazinAvenue (22,000 Followers)
Amazin' Army @WE_ARE_MET_FANS (15,000 Followers)
Danny Abriano @DannyAbriano (4,700 Followers)
Mathew Brownstein @MBrownstein89 (9,815 Followers)
Mets Avenue @MetsAvenue (10,700 Followers)

"Frank the Tank" Fleming @NjTank99
Sal Licata @sal_licata
KFC @KFCBarstool
Grant Purpura (GENY) @grant_purpura 
Clueless Mickey @CluelessMickeyC
Ben Yoel @Ben_Yoel

Mike Mayer @mikemayer22
Subway To Shea Podcast @SubwayToShea
Metsmerized Online @Metsmerized
This Day in Mets History @NYMhistory
Mark C. Healey @MarkCHealey
Ramsey @jwr082002
Mets Rewind @metsrewind
MetCast @MetCastPod

Carlos Beltran @carlosbeltran15
Al Leiter @AlLeiter22
Howard Johnson @20Hojo
Bobby Valentine @BobbyValentine
Kevin Burkhardt @kevinburkhardt
Brodie @RocBVW
Matthew Cerrone @matthewcerrone

Steve @vanhorn_44
Adam @ofishal21
Mark @markyoso
Jamie @garlander25
Pete @Loco37
Chris @chriswho22
Steven @StevenMurray10
Jeremy @jeremyallen1995
Spoon @SpoonJon
JB @FantasyCoachJB
Nick @capootz12
Sean @shammer422

The Genius @thesportsgenius
Anthony @Celtiic_mF
Anthony Monroig @anthony_monroig
Shirley Pavlak @metsfanheatherb
Coach Gav @footballcoachal
Elana Lubin @ElanaLubin
ItsStillWilpon @ItsStillWilpon
Jared G Metz @JaredGMetz1
Nick Elenis @NickElenis
Jarred @InsiiderJayy
Gladys Louise Tyler @gladysLtyler
gary goldberg @garygold23
Ron @DIFS412
Dr. Fox @mkfox52

Wes @loafinit
Fantasy Impact Today @FIToday_
Tim @runfromdolan
Bobby @FosterFantasy
J Boyce @JRay_Boyce
Rob @norton0723
Travis @LaptopLombardi
Angry Couple @Him_HerSports
Scott @NimbleWNumbers
Joe @joeflo23
Mark @FF_mbryan4445
Mike @MikeReedyFF
Dave @crewser128
Mike @Dr_FootBalls
Josh @Dynasty_Josh
Mike @MikeStoyanov
Brad @WardonSports

Matt @MattZylbert
Frank @hammerscoming
Mike @mljja
DJ @mrmaritime
Rudy @rudymadethis
Matt @mdesantis02
Matt @LegendSportsVP
Bill @illbill1000
Bill @illegendsports1
Billy @Yanknuts1981
Dan @DogyDogDan
Ernest @enice10
Peter @BostonEagle5
Matt @MattGallo501
Tim @BigTimmyTweets
Vinny @TricaricoVinny
Paul @charles_kellam

Jimmy @jimjay1530
Tommy @ThomasH35520011
Mike @HomeRunPace
Craig @CraigJDixon
Peter @PeterEKirby
Ross @rschneid3
Matt @mattygicz
Rajiv @RajivLeventhal
Rich @rich_migel
Mike @MikeKirby28
Sam @SamuelYtuarte
Mike @MikeHindin

Benny @BenJustJamin13
Adam @adam_christ_boy
Bill Keyes @KeyesBill
Nick @youngstudFF
Andre @AndreSportsFan
Kadidy @LordKadidy
Gage Boone @GageBoone23
Chili Dog @RobertJMolnar
Tom Johnson @TomJohnson314
Doom DPT @mrdrsize
Derf @DerfandDylan
sum @sum_dude44
Jacob @JacobBak12
Jr @JrBloom5
AJ @juice33nyc 

Colin @ColinCowherd
Dave @stoolpresidente
Scott @notthefakesvp
Mad Dog @MadDogUnleashed
Mike @MikeFrancesa
Evan @EvanRobertsWFAN
Boomer @7BoomerEsiason
Craig @craigcartonlive
Frank @TheFrankIsola
Mike @MikeLupica
Joe Buck @Buck
Bart Scott @BartScott57
Michael Strahan @michaelstrahan
Michael Kay @RealMichaelKay
Ted Robinson @tedjrobinson

Ben Verlander @BenVerlander
Jared Carrabis @Jared_Carrabis
Aubrey Huff @aubrey_huff
Codify @CodifyBaseball
Rob @PitchingNinja
Anthony @Anthony_Recker
Jeff @JeffPassan
Ken @Ken_Rosenthal
Buster @Buster_ESPN
Tim @Kurkjian_ESPN
Jayson @jaysonst
MLB Network @MLBNetwork
Brian Anderson @BAndersonPxP
Dallas Braden @DallasBraden209
Jon @jonmorosi
Pedro Martinez @45PedroMartinez
Dontrelle Willis @DTrainMLB
Chris Carlin @ChrisCarlin
David Cone @dcone36
Eduardo Perez @PerezEd
Karl Ravech @karlravechespn
Jim Bowden @JimBowdenGM
Sean Casey @TheMayorsOffice
Mark DeRosa @markdero7
Cliff Floyd @CliffFloyd30
Peter Gammons @pgammo
Kevin Millar @KMillar15
Dan Plesac @Plesac19

Underdog MLB @Underdog__MLB

The Sporting News @sportingnews
Bleacher Report @BleacherReport
Fox Sports 1 @FS1
Sports Illustrated @SInow
Yardbarker @yardbarker
The Ringer @ringer
The Athletic @TheAthletic
Barstool @barstoolsports
The Athletic New York @TheAthleticNYC
CBS Sports @CBSSports
NBC Sports @NBCSports
Razzball @Razzball
USA Today @USAToday
USA Today @usatodaysports
New York Post @nypost
New York Post Sports @nypostsports
New York Daily News @NYDailyNews
NY Daily News Sports @NYDNSports
Newsday @Newsday
Newsday Sports @NewsdaySports

World Baseball Classic @WBCBaseball
MLB Trade Rumors @mlbtraderumors
Fantasy Labs MLB @FantasyLabsMLB
CBS Sports MLB @CBSSportsMLB
Yahoo Sports MLB @MLByahoosports
Fantasy Pros MLB @FantasyProsMLB
The Athletic MLB @TheAthleticMLB
Baseball Prospectus @baseballpro
FanGraphs @fangraphs
MLB Metrics @MLBMetrics
MLB Nerds @MLBNerds
Talkin' Baseball @TalkinBaseball_
Talkin' Yanks @TalkinYanks
Barstool Baseball @StoolBaseball
MLB Pipeline @MLBPipeline
MLB Stats @MLBStats
Fox Sports @MLBONFOX
Baseball Reference @baseball_ref

Sports Illustrated @SINow
SI MLB @si_mlb
Cut4 @Cut4

For Brooklyn Nets Articles & Posts

Brooklyn Nets @BrooklynNets
Brooklyn Netcast @BrooklynNetcast
Cody Mallory @RealCodyMallory
Doug Norrie @DougNorrie
NetsFrequent @NetsFrequent
NetsDaily @NetsDaily
Talkin' Nets @TalkinNets
Erik Slater @erikslater_
NetsKingdom @NetsKingdomAJ
Brian Lewis @NYPost_Lewis
Joe Tsai @joetsai1999

For New York Jets Articles & Posts

New York Jets @nyjets
Woody Johnson @woodyjohnson4
Connor Hughes @Connor_J_Hughes
Rich Cimini @RichCimini
Dianna Russini @DMRussini
Harrison Glaser @NYJetsTFMedia
NYJ Matt @NYJ_Matt
Zoo Krueger @Zookrueger
Brian Costello @BrianCoz
Zack Rosenblatt @ZackBlatt
The 33rd Team @The33rdTeamFB
Mike Tannenbaum @RealTannenbaum
Joe Banner @JoeBanner13
Rick Spielman @spielman_rick
Jeff Diamond @jeffdiamondNFL
Bart Scott @BartScott57
Willie Colon @willcolon66
Connor Rogers @ConnorJRogers
Steve Gelbs @SteveGelbs


JB Barry @FantasyCoachJB
Rachel aka "Fantasy Football Chick" @liveocgirl
Wes Easley @loafinit
Fantasy Impact Today @FIToday_
Tim FitzGerald @runfromdolan
Andy Rieckhoff @AndyOnTheAm
Pierre Wilson @pwee31
Bobby Smith @FosterFantasy

Jerel Bawayan @jerelffdynasty1
Jon McNabb @JonMcNabb
Nick DeJong @NickDynastyFF
Elvin Ryan @ElvinRyan_FF
Commissioner Breeze @mcbreeze11
J Boyce @JRay_Boyce
Jay Arsht @Jayarsht
Chris Robin @DetroitBeastie
Rob Norton @norton0723
Travis Kent @LaptopLombardi
Angry Sports Couple @Him_HerSports
Scott Simpson @NimbleWNumbers
Beezy B @dabeezyBFF

Troy King @TKingMode
Bill Carroll @elevenbravo138
Jose @Jalvarez817
Joe Florina @joeflo23
Matt Friesen @kobefriesen
Mark Bryan @FF_mbryan4445
Michael Reedy @MikeReedyFF
Dave Crews @crewser128 
Fantasy Ftball Commish @AskTheFFC
Todd Riley @RunTheWaggle
Mike Grimes @Dr_FootBalls

The Fantasy Football Experience @Danny_FFX
Fantasy Mike @FantasyMikeMA
David J. Gautieri @GuruFantasyWrld
Josh Mitchell @Dynasty_Josh
Michael Stoyanov @MikeStoyanov
Burt @ FF_Burt 
Brad Ward @WardonSports

Matt Zylbert @MattZylbert
Steve @vanhorn_44
Frank @hammerscoming 
Mike @mljja
DJ @mrmaritime
Adam @ofishal21 
Kyle @kbaxte2
Mark @markyoso
Rudy @rudymadethis
Jamie @garlander25
Matt @mdesantis02
Matty DeSantis @LegendSportsVP
Bill Bradley @illbill1000
Ill Bill @iLLegendSports1
Billy Valeriano @Yanknuts1981
Dan @DogyDogDan 
Pete P @Loco37
Ernest @enice10 
Matt @mattgallo501
Steven @StevenMurray10
Tim @BigTimmyTweets
Vinny Tricarico @TricaricoVinny
Clown @MattZylbert_
Clown 2 @MattZylbert__
Charles "Paul" Kellam @charles_kellam 

Nick Caputi @capootz12
Matt @mattgitter
Jimmy H @jimjay1530
Thomas Herold @ThomasH35520011
Nik Jackson @karizmajackson4
Mike R @HomeRunPace
Sean H @shammer422
Chris D @chriswho22
Craig Dixon @CraigJDixon
Ferdinand Chan @ferdchan
Alexander Tucciarone @TucciTellsIt
SpoonJon @SpoonJon
Jeremy Allen @jeremyallen1995
Matthew Gicz @mattygicz
Rajiv Leventhal @RajivLeventhal
Rich Migel @rich_migel
Dat M. Le @Dat_m_Le
LINY2019 @SamuelYtuarte
Mike Hindin @MikeHindin
Melissa Frascella-Chipman @MFrascella91
Phil Bausk @ItsMe____Phil
Bobby LaMarco @BobbyLamarco 
Rudy Gamble @rudygamble 
Mitch Staniger @stiles08
JKJ @jkj0787
B_Dondante @RazzBDon

Benny Eastside @BenJustJamin13
Nick Lapel @Dynasty_Nick
LeChubb @MobleyOnTop
Sports @adam_christ_boy
Depressed Packers fan @YFF_Mel
Bill Keyes @KeyesBill
A-a-ron @AJ97Wildcat
Nicholas Young @youngstudFF
Nick Elenis @NickElenis
AndreSportsFan @AndreSportsFan
Jake's Fantasy Football @JakesFFootball
Gage Boone @GageBoone23
Kadidy @LordKadidy
alexandre rochon @Rochon15
Dirty Bird Angie @FFAngieCMS
chauncey telese @bigchaunc64
Chilli Dog @RobertJMolnar

Tom Johnson @TomJohnson314
Doom DPT OCS @mrdrsize
#ScreamsAtTrees @kfgibson
Mother of Dogs, Steelers Fan @TheSusanGEmery
Derf and Dylan @DerfandDylan
sum_dude44 @sum_dude44
Ron Burgandy @DIFS412
7Ringz @KevSanch12
Joel Verzosa, PT, DPT @jverzosa2
Dr. Fox @mkfox52
JP - The Wholesome Truth Teller @jay_pea619
DMICMedia @DmicMedia
JacobBak12 @JacobBak12
Dr. Merrick Elias @merrickelias
Jr #LetsGoReds @JrBloom5
Jay in PHX @ The End of the bar with #Ravensflock @JayNakazato
gray @Gray__Thomas
Tittiesrfun @2tittiesrfun
Scott Frederick @FredSDTW
Ron Karres @highdesertRon
AJ Fiore @juice33nyc

Coach RAM Medina @coachRAM71
Caz @BillsMafia32
Adam @Akatz23Adam
Alex M. @DynastyGuruNFL
Elprez365 @elprez365
Kevin Reavy @76pack
Coach Mahz @tribecallednola
David Rowland Broncos Fan @rowlandmsw1
gary goldberg @garygold23
Steven Perkins @FlavorizeThis
The Rocketeer @The_Rocketeer23

Kyle Leith @KyleLeith
Big Daddy Duck @FarmerRichieNFT
Dynasty Sportz Fanatic @Dynasty_Sportz
Fantasy Goodness @egGoodSports
Mister Patrick @MisterPatrick1
Jarred @InsiiderJayy
Gladys Louise Tyler @gladysLtyler
Brian @brian_newsome5

Skip @RealSkipBayless
Shannon @ShannonSharpe
Richard Sherman @RSherman_25
Colin @ColinCowherd
Stephen @stephenasmith
Dave @stoolpresidente
Scott @notthefakeSVP
Mike @MikeFrancesa
Boomer @7BoomerEsiason
Undisputed @undisputed
Jim @jimrome
Bomani @bomani_jones
Michael Kay @RealMichaelKay
Pat McAfee @PatMcAfeeShow

Dan Orlovsky @danorlovsky7
Damien Woody @damienwoody
Louis Riddick @LRiddickESPN
Brady Quinn @Brady_Quinn
Daniel Jeremiah @MoveTheSticks
Adam Schefter @AdamSchefter
Ian Rapoport @RapSheet
Jay Glazer @JayGlazer
Tom Pelissero @TomPelissero
Robert Griffin @RGIII
Chris Simms @CSimmsQB
Field Yates @FieldYates
Steve Smith Sr @SteveSmithSr89
AJ Hawk @OfficialAJHawk
Darius Butler @DariusJButler
Nate Burleson @nateburleson
Peter King @peter_king
Bart Scott @BartScott57

Rich Cimini @RichCimini
Connor Hughes @Connor_J_Hughes
JJ Zachariason @LateRoundQB
Cris Collinsworth @CollinsworthPFF
Sam Monson @PFF_Sam
Bill Barnwell @billbarnwell
Jeff Darlington @JeffDarlington

Fantasy Labs @FantasyLabs
Fantasy Pros @FantasyPros
The Sporting News @sportingnews
Bleacher Report @BleacherReport
Fox Sports 1 @FS1
Sports Illustrated @SInow
The Ringer @ringer
The Athletic @TheAthletic
Barstool @barstoolsports
ESPN @espn
CBS @CBSSports
NBC @NBCSports
RotoGrinders @RotoGrinders
USA Today @usatodaysports

NFL Trade Rumors @nfltrade_rumors
Dynasty Nerds @DynastyNerds
NFL Network @nflnetwork
Yahoo Sports NFL @YahooSportsNFL
Establish the Run @EstablishTheRun
NFL on Reddit @NFLreddit
Matthew Berry @MatthewBerryTMR
4for4 Fantasy @4for4football
RotoBaller NFL @RotoBallerNFL
Draft Sharks @DraftSharks
RotoViz @RotoViz
Sharp Football Analysis @SharpFBAnalysis
The 33rd Team @The33rdTeamFB

ESPN Fantasy @ESPNFantasy
Underdog NFL @Underdog__NFL
PFF Fantasy @PFF_Fantasy
Luke Sawhook @lukesawhook
Razzball @Razzball
Peter Jennings @CSURAM88
Matt Harmon @MattHarmon_BYB
Brad Evans @NoisyHuevos
Adam Levitan @adamlevitan
Evan Silva @evansilva
RotoGrinders NFL @RotoGrindersNFL
Scott Pianowski @scott_pianowski
Football Guys @Footballguys

NFL Rumors @nflrums
NFL Beat Writers @32BeatWriters
Dov Kleiman @NFL_DovKleiman
ML Football @_MLFootball
JPA Football @jasrifootball
Ari Meirov @MySportsUpdate


Bills: TJ @TJDMCR, Sherm @Shermanbowler24, Gordon @JuanNot1, @kasperman3140, @cyber0ne11
Dolphins: CEO @miamiheatowner, Tony @FFTony_
Jets: NYJ Matt @NYJ_Matt, @brian_newsome5
Patriots: Jmontez @Jmontez2112, @Chynna20847044

Ravens: Igor Milanovic @igzilla83, @jayyydubzz, @JayNakazato
Steelers: Sam Thatcher @SamThatcher20, @OmarKhanartist, @gpickensmuse, @Js412561, @steelerpickens, @DBAkron, @MinkahBurgh39, @martae_king
Browns: @everythingreds1, @LfGBrowns
Bengals: Becky Eblin @Boomgal7, Nate @natestakess, Alex (4-13) @LoganWilsonSZN

Texans: @TexansCanada, @brownchubbybear
Titans: @SackedBySimmons, @_TheTexasTitan_
Colts: E @epbale, @TheChadSparks
Jaguars: @Chancetheman511, @JNCO_suave, @NickElenis, @JustinVreeland

Chiefs: Brody Lay @brody_nascar, @Crete_Keeper, @wannabejake9
Chargers: Jeremy @JeremyBrigman, Q @Tipster22, @shanegoespew, @cmsinclar
Raiders: Chris @ThereGoCupid, @WatchMeWork365
Broncos: @DorkDraft, @Koldonn1, @LordKadidy

Eagles: AJ Luciani @aj_luciani, Coach H @htheman, @KeeganOwnsYou
Commanders: #5 @SammyBaugh8, @AndrewLiv, @JackRafff123
Cowboys: Paul Kellam @charles_kellam, Samson @Samson_P_Buck, @mitxhsteven

Bears: DaBears 4-6 @CalebToMoore2, Wes @loafinit, @JanskyThomas
Packers: Mel @YFF_Mel, @mkfox52
Vikings: The Purple Persuasion @TPPSkol
Lions: @mcfcbillson, @mcbreeze11, @DetroitBeastie, @Jack_theJaysfan, @CHEN313

Bucs: JB Barry @FantasyCoachJB, Aaron Schill @aaron_schill, @Sup750867331387, @bigmauchstan
Falcons: Michael B @ImagineMichael3 
Panthers: @RollCoveragePod, @2growls1roar, @MissYou_DJ
Saints: Rachel @liveocgirl, @MattZylbert

Rams: Eric @coookemE, Otto @hawkeyeram4life, @commishrhino
49ers: Mike Grimes @Dr_FootBalls, Mike Hurtads @MikeHurtads, Field General @FieldGeneral13, @49ersSportsTalk, @JamesStantonX, @KeyesBill, anthony_monroig
Seahawks: Derf and Dylan @DerfandDylan
Cardinals: @GodDamnFerDi, @RobOfABirdGang 

John Frascella is a professional sports writer for Razzball, FanSided and Recruit Certified. Follow him on Twitter @LegendSports7 for all things NFL, NBA and MLB throughout the year.